
What do you teach at TIDE?
Spanish 5th grade and up

How long have you worked at TIDE?
This will be my 5th year!

Where did you receive your education/what did you study?
I studied at In Holland University of Applied Science and received a degree in International Communication and Media Management.

Describe your teaching style
I have a lot of energy and passion when teaching which influences the kids to pay attention and stay focus. I like to be very clear when teaching and give time to students to learn new concepts at their pace and show they are able to use them on their own.

What is your teaching philosophy?
There are many ways of learning. Each students has their own skills and weaknesses and as a teacher I must learn and use them to their advantage. 

Why do you like teaching at TIDE?
I like to teach at Tide because we are a small community and have very close relationships between teacher and with families. We are a family with the same goal!

What do you like to do when you are not teaching?
Sports!!!! Read, travel ….