Uniforms and Dress Code


Uniforms can be purchased and ordered two buildings away from the school at Tierra del Sol.  Shirts can either be T-shirt or tank style and can be blue, white, or black.  Cost is between $7 and $10 per shirt.
Students can wear pants, skirts, shorts of their choice to school each day.  All clothing items must follow the dress code.


  1. All students are required to wear appropriate footwear for school (no slippers).  Closed toe shoes are required for all field trips.
  2. All shirts and tops must cover the midriff at all times. The following are examples of clothing that is unacceptable:strapless, spaghetti straps, off-the-shoulder, cut-out designs, low-cut shirts, bare-back, sheer or mesh clothing that does not have an appropriate blouse or shirt underneath, etc. Boys must wear shirts.
  3. All pants and shorts must fit at the waist. No sagging or low riding will be permitted. Clothing must cover undergarments when sitting, standing, or bending.
  4. Hemlines and slits on dresses, skirts, and shorts above mid-thigh are not acceptable. Length cannot be shorter than the tip of the fingers when arms are placed straight at the sides of the body.
  5. Clothing or jewelry that depicts any “gang style” writing; illegal activity; sexually related or obscene gestures and material; tobacco; drugs; alcohol; or words, pictures, or phrases that depicts violence or intimidation may not be worn.
  6. Any body piercing that presents a safety issue or major distraction will not be allowed.
  7. Any clothing or styles of dress that may be construed to provoke fear, violence, or intimidation, is not acceptable.